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No one hurt in North Side blaze
A fire broke out Tuesday afternoon in the Park West, forcing residents to evacuate.

How to find Local Stories in National and World News.

Finding interesting local stories that are timely now because of their connections to world or national news is almost always a worthy story. And you often can learn of the stories with a few calls or social media inquiries.

Funny News

Mokase, Smartphone Case

In desperate need of caffeine, but there is no coffee store around? No worries, Mokase, a smartphone case, can now turn your phone into a portable espresso machine, allowing you to enjoy a freshly brewed cup virtually anywhere.

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Reendex’s brand new breakfast show Good Morning UK launches on Monday 28 April - but that's not the only thing that's new. To go with our new show we have a Good Morning UK Instagram account! Can’t get enough of images from our collection? Want a behind-the-scenes look at the library and its events? You’re in luck:

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